中文牧师: 王俊文牧师(Amos Wong) 汪恩慧师母(Srithorn)

王俊文牧師生於馬來西亞,從小在佛教家庭成長。在1989年蒙恩得救,接受耶穌基督為個人的救主,並在1991年蒙神 呼召全時間事奉。 經過4年在新加坡遠東神學院的神學造就,神感動他成為宣教士向大陸的中國人傳福音。至此,他曾先后在不同的地區事奉神。這些地方包括在太平洋的賽班島,臺 灣,新加坡,中國和南韓。2005年神引導王牧師來到美國服事華人教會,同時賜予機會進修神學,並且在2012年獲得神學研究文學碩士。王牧師與師母汪恩慧結婚至今已經19年。師母是在泰國生長,曾與王牧師在同一間神學院接受訓練。 Pastor Amos Wong was born in Malaysia and grew up in a Buddhist family. He accepted Christ in 1989 and called to serve the Lord full-time in 1991. After 4 years of theological training at Singapore Far Eastern Bible College, he was moved by God to become a missionary to reach out to Mainland Chinese. Since then, he had served in the Mariana Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Taiwan, Singapore, China and South Korea. In March 2005, Pastor Wong came to United States and served in the Chinese Church. He was also given a chance to further his study and received MA degree in Theological Study from Liberty Baptist theological Seminary in 2012. Pastor Wong is married to Srithorn. Mrs. Wong was born and grew up Thailand. She was also trained in the same Bible College with Pastor Wong in Singapore. They have been married for 19 years.
荣誉牧师 Honorary pastor: 徐清辉牧师 黄绮英师母

神州基督教会荣誉牧师为徐清辉牧师。徐牧师毕业于西敏寺神学院,获道学硕士。在听到神的呼召之前,他是一位科学工作者。徐牧师的异像是响应大使命,在华人中传播福音。 徐牧师与黄绮英师母育有一子一女,都已成年。绮英师母曾获西敏寺神学院的文学硕士学位,现正在攻读西敏寺神学院的神学硕士学位。她信主30多年,曾参与过教会的各个方面的事工,特别是在儿童与青少年事工方面。 在过去的10年里,徐牧师与绮英师母的宣教足迹遍及世界的很多地方。他们的家庭活跃于针对华人福音事工的短期与中期的宣教工作。清辉牧师期待每一位基督徒都能参加到大使命的行列中。 Pastor Hsu is a currently the honorary pastor the China Grace Christian Church. He was a scientist for many years prior to his call for fulltime ministry. He graduated from the Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia with a M. Div. degree, and is a firm believer of the reformed theology. Pastor Hsu has a vision for preaching the Gospel to all the Chinese-speaking people, as well as a zeal for carrying out the Great Commission to the world. One goal of Pastor Hsu's philosophy of church ministry is to try to shepherd the flock like Christ, and another goal is to grow the members of the flock to be more like Christ. Yet another goal is to equip and prepare the saints for ministry with a firm foundation on Christ. Pastor Hsu is married to Chi-Yin, and has two grownup children. Mrs. Hsu is also a graduate from the Westminster Theological Seminary (M.A.R.), and is currently pursing a Th. M. degree in WTS. She has been a Christian for more than 30 years, and has involved in many facets of church ministry, especially in the children and youth ministries. In the past 10 years, the entire Hsu's family has been very active in short-term and mid-term mission trips, both to Chinese-speaking people and to cross-cultural people. Their footsteps have been in many parts of the world. Pastor Hsu would like to invite anyone who has a heart for God's Kingdom to join him in the works of the Great Commission.
儿童事工部主任 Children's Ministry Director